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英國詩人布雷克(W. Blake, 1757∼1827)說得很傳神:


1. Grünbaum, A.,《Modern Science and Zeno's Paradoxes》, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1967.
2. Bell, E.T.,《The Development of Mathematics》, McGraw-Hill, 1945.
3. Heath, T.,《A History of Greek Mathematics》, vol. 1, Dover, 1981.
4. Einstein, A.,《Ideas and Opinions》, Laurel Edition, 1979.
5. Boyer, C.B.,《The History of the Calculus and its Conceptual Development》, Dover, 1959.
6. Edwards, C.H.,《The Historical Development of the Calculus》, Springer-Verlag, 1979.
7. Dauben, J.W.,《Georg Cantor, His Mathematics and Philosphy of the Infinite》, Princeton Univ. Press, 1979.
8. Rucker, R.,《Infinity and the Mind》, Birkhauser, 1982.
9. Stewart, I. and Tall, D.,《The Foundation of Mathematics》, Oxford Univ. Press, 1988.
10. Weyl, H.,《Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science》, Princeton Univ. Press, 1949.
11. Maor, E.,《To Infinity and Beyond, A Cultural History of the Infinity》, Birkhauser, 1986.
12. Moore, A.W.,《The Infinite》, Routledge, 1990.


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EpisteMath (c) 2000 中央研究院數學所、台大數學系

編輯:石莉君 / 校對:康明軒 / 繪圖:張琇惠;簡立欣 最後修改日期:2/17/2002